I decided to quit my Karate dojo today. I feel a lot of frustration over small things that add up to not really fitting in with the ideology of the school. While being lectured on the importance of the uniform I realized that I will never care about the color of my hair tie, the stitching on my uniform, or any detail that small and that I needed to find a place where I fit in before I burnt any bridges.
When I look for advice on how to quit a dojo on the internet I see a lot of "but I'm only X number of months from my black belt! should I stick with it???!!!" And I realize that I am excited to give up my brown belt for a white one again. The higher the rank, the more important it is to fit in and be an "example" which I will never be while at this school.
I wish the internet had better advice on how to do this "right." Ah well, wish me all the luck.
You’re learning things some folks don’t learn until they’re my age. Way to go. Always be gentle to yourself.