Monday, May 25, 2020

First Stage of Accepting the Pandemic....

Today I feel like I really accepted the pandemic: I cleaned out my gym bag.

So much of my pre-Covid19 time was spent having  the right combination of gear organized for the correct activity, ready to grab and go out the door. So much of my Covid19 time is NOT that. 

It felt like acceptance to put the tiny shampoos and conditioners in my shower and my yoga mat towels in the linen closet.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Pandemic Simulator: Hobbies

Step 1: Write all your many varied hobbies and interests on slips of paper and put into hat
Step 2: Randomly pull out three slips of paper
Step 3: These are your only hobbies, the others are dead to you
"Looks like my hobbies are now 'muffin baking' …. 'sewing' and …. 'catering to my cat's every whim'. Dang it! I wanted 'angry pajama yoga', 'hitting people with sticks' and 'going to the movie theater'! How did the cat one even get IN here!"